
Learners follow their planned audio script in the production of their final soundtrack. They use editing skills to produce a competent soundtrack with a running time of 2 to 3 minutes by:
a) creating an edit decision list
b) editing the recorded elements into the soundtrack

A) Edit Decision List

B) Editing the Recorded Elements into the Soundtrack

Effects Used


This effect was used to help get rid of some of the noise in the background of the dialogue recordings. It worked extremely well for the ones of myself and Rob, however, I could not completely cancel out the noise within Ryd's recording.
Depending on who was speaking, I would change the DeEsser preset to the male or female version in order to help reduce the 'S' sounds within the dialogue to make it sound cleaner.
This effect was used with the preset Vocal Enhancer to give the vocals a fuller and clearer sound.
The Hard Limiter was used to help increase the volume of the dialogue as it was quiet in a lot of areas.
I used the compressor to help keep a consistent level of sound throughout the recording so that the listener would not have to keep adjusting their volume.

Sound Effects
On the 'Question of The Week'  Effect, I used a Vocal Flanger and Reverb to help make the audio stand out from the dialogue in order to grab the listener's attention and show that it is a different segment.

Audition Timeline

Sound FX
There are three different sound effect assets that I used in my final edit. The first was an intro jingle created by adding edited foley sounds from a camera. I amplified their volumes and cut them together so that they played out as a short jingle. The second is the jingle for Question of The Week which is comprised of two pieces of audio of me speaking and has been altered with a Vocal Flange, Reverb, and Amplifier. The last is a small bit of audio of me saying 'cut' to bring an end to the podcast. It has been modified with the effects listed above for the dialogue.

There are three different speakers within the dialogue, myself, Rob, and Ryd. I edited the different segments separately before exporting them into a mixdown and adding them into the whole edit. Each one has had the Dialogue effects added to them and has been amplified so that they are loud enough to hear clearly.

I used a range of different clips from movies that were discussed within the interviews in order to help set the mood of the podcast within those segments and further bring attention to what was being said. Some of these include the Jedi theme from Star Wars, Quotes from The Nightmare on Elm Street, and an audio clip from Cop Car.

I searched up royalty free music and downloaded two pieces for my podcast. The first being a Lo-fi song that plays underneath the majority of the podcast to help set the mood. The second is an EDM song which plays during the Question of The Week segment to help distinguish it from the rest of the podcast by altering the pace/mood.
Rough Cut

The feedback I received from my rough cut was to add background music throughout the talk section to help keep the audiences' attention as well as to add more ambient sounds to further enhance what the interviewee is talking about. I was also told to cut down Rob's speaking segment in favour of adding another to expand on a different topic. The final piece of feedback was to add in a part to more clearly show what the podcast is about at the beginning.

Final Edit
